Over 10 years of investigative experience using technology and both traditional and conventional means to achieve clients' desired results. All services performed within the regulatory legal means.
Investigate corporate fraud, corruption and misconduct. Research in politics, opposition research. Immigration (trafficking & extortion). Worked individually and team collaboration. Experience with sources, insiders & assets. Business, operational research/logistics, mergers & acquisition due diligence. Hollywood precision driver. Maritime experience.
Utilizing technology and both traditional and conventional methods to acquire evidence, information, and data per clients' requests.
Investigations into employee theft, inventory leaks, accounting leaks, and time theft.
Contractor and real-estate sale oversight, caretaker vetting, and asset location.
Explore and investigate geographical location, seller, neighborhood, and physical property. Work in collaboration with home inspector to seek undisclosed potential issues and/or expenses unseen prior to or during escrow.
Scale opportunities for small to midsize businesses and seek potential growth or market opportunities. Startup consulting, process improvements, budgeting, forecasting, and team building.
Are they who they say they are, or appear to be? Realistic photo? Divorced, still married? Criminal background check, local, state federal. Warrants, prior offenses, debt collections?
Investigative Journalism and Research coast to coast and international.
Open-Source Intelligence Investigations. Human Intelligence.
Political and/or business opposition research.
Ed Brancieri - PI 188561
CalBre 02035446
Licensed and Insured
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